All you need to know

What is Trademark?

A Trademark is a name / Logo / Design / Device / Creative which is capable of distinguishing a Product / Service provided by a business from that provided by other businesses. Many trademarks, after gaining popularity in the market, are copied by competitors to sell counterfeit goods/services, leading to loss of market and reputation for the goods sold by the original seller.

Therefore, the protection of trademarks is very important. A trademark can be protected by registering it with the government. Registration of a trademark is a completely online process. 

Corpedia provides professional solutions for Registration of Trademark and other ancillary services in relation to it. Get in touch with our professionals to know all the details.

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  • 1 Trademark Application
  • 1 Class
  • For Individuals
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  • For Private Limited / LLP/ Partnership
  • 1 Trademark Application
  • 1 Class
  • MSME / SSI / Udyam Registration
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